March 20, 2021
How Can You Be Happy Again?
How Can You Be Happy Again? The implies that you were in the past, happy. What has changed in your life to make you feel unhappy? A good starting point is to look first at the question: Does happiness Exist? Yes happiness does exist but possibly not in the way we have come to understand […]
March 02, 2021
Help! My University Child is Stressed!!!
How can I help my University child? It can be an emotional journey when your child (now an adult but always your child) leaves for University Transitions into the Fall. Seeing your child head off with most of their belongings can leave some parents bereft for a while. This marks an end to an era. […]
February 12, 2021
Might I have Childhood Trauma?
Early Childhood Trauma…Me? You may instinctively say….. No….I can’t have…. I have resolved all of my childhood issues….I have had therapy numerous times before.. I am too old to let childhood issues bother me This is just an excuse for my/others behaviour I see many clients who will say any or all of the above […]
November 24, 2020
10 Xmas 2020 Coping Tips!
10 Xmas 2020 Coping Tips! The Christmas period can be a stressful time of year, especially in COVID times! (Living Through COVID ) ? This year we may try to make a choice to either create new memories & traditions or attempt to remain true to our old ways of celebrating. (Anxiety Workbook ). There has been […]

Love & Misunderstandings at Christmas!
Love & Misunderstandings at Christmas! We are human. We love. We care, We get it wrong! This Christmas period is more complex than probably any other in our lifetimes ( 10 Xmas Coping Strategies! Be At Your Best!) Christmas can be a tinder box of emotions in more normal times but this year there are […]

May 21, 2020
Lockdown Fatigue Syndrome!
Lockdown Fatigue Syndrome! We are in week 9 of the COVID Lockdown. It has been a rollercoaster for us all. These are indeed, unprecedented times, the like of which we have not witnessed in our life time. I know for myself, when the talk of the virus first started, I was convinced that it […]
May 06, 2020
Hamstrung in Covid-19!
Hamstrung in Lockdown! All change. Time to adapt again. I have adapted better than I thought I would to the COVID_19 Lockdown. Week 7 has been and gone and on we go with no clear idea of when and how we will restart life or how life will look on the other side . Many […]
April 13, 2020
But I Want To Help!!
Even as a young child..I wanted to Help! I have always, since I was a young child, felt the need to help others. I am practical person and can turn my hand to most things. I take after my Mum, who I miss every day. Her first comment upon hearing of anyone having issues, emotional, […]
August 27, 2019
Transitions for Young People with Additional Needs can be Traumatic..
Transitions for Young People with Additional Needs can be Traumatic.. Times of Transition are crucial for those with additional needs I write this blog as we are approaching the Autumn term. This time of year is always difficult within our family because historically, every year since our son, who is now 17, has entered […]
July 02, 2019
Grief: A complex Human Response to Loss
Grief & Loss are Part of being Alive.. Grief happens. As humans we experience loss if we live. It can not be avoided or hidden from, it is just a part of life. A part of life that most would prefer not to experience but experiencing it on some level is inevitable. Grief is […]