May 26, 2021
10 Tips to Improve Your Emotional Intelligence
What is Emotional Intelligence(EI)? Emotional Intelligence (EI) means that you can understand your own feelings and reactions. This helps you to manage your own responses and stay in control High Functioning Anxiety…Is This You?. Once you understand your own emotions you can then understand those of others. This is the key to success in all […]
May 12, 2021
8 Tips to Bring Emotional Intelligence into Work
“Building the Emotional Intelligence of Groups”, by Vanessa Urch Druskat and Steven B. Wolff says that Emotional Intelligence ( EI) is the element the underlies the effectiveness of successful teams. Successful teams are happier and more productive. Less time is taken off work through stress, the bottom line is improved. This blog may of interest: […]
June 28, 2020
Lockdown is Ending but ‘Judge Softly’
Easing of Lockdown Yesterday, I was driving to meet up with a friend in an outside space. The news was on the radio about the easing of the Lockdown. Pubs, clubs, cinemas can all open as of the 4th of July. The recommended social distance will then be 1 meter. A spectre of hope that […]
June 21, 2019
Celebrating Differences through Therapy
Therapy sees the Differences Therapy is all about really seeing & hearing the individual who is in the therapy room with you. It is about recognising their uniqueness as a human being. Therapy Sees the Differences but Recognises Equality Therapy sees the individual, their strengths. We are all different but this does not mean that […]