What is Emotional Intelligence(EI)?
Emotional Intelligence (EI) means that you can understand your own feelings and reactions. This helps you to manage your own responses and stay in control High Functioning Anxiety…Is This You?. Once you understand your own emotions you can then understand those of others. This is the key to success in all relationships.
EI is not taught in the formal sense of the word. Some people are born with a more natural insight into human behaviour than others but school and studying glosses over this essential part of our development. There is an unwritten expectation that EI is learnt by osmosis. Largely, this can be true but not always. EI can be learnt, improved upon and developed. This blog will help you to learn how to do just that!
Improving you EI will help you to :
- Feel more connected to others
- Manage difficult conversations better
- Manage difficult emotions more appropriately
- Be more able to observe & understand others better & not get as drawn into their issues
- Improve workplace relationships
- Work better with colleagues
- Ask for a pay rise!
Improved EI in the Workplace will:
- Improve team work
- Improve productivity as there is less conflict
- Allow for more creativity
- Allow the workplace to be more diverse
- Improve the bottom line
- Resolve conflict quickly & painslessly.
- Reduce sickness due to issues with bosses or colleagues
Tips to Help:
- Know who you are & become more self aware
- Be aware of your history & what triggers you
- Move out of your head & into your body…what sensations are you feeling in you body?
- Walk in others shoes- why are they reacting like that, what is their story?
- Have meaningful conversations with friends & colleagues. Get to know them!
- Be responsible for your own emotions & don’t blame others
- Familiarise yourself with your own blindspots
- Be curious about yourself & others
- Use your body as your guide – it is talking to you!
- Learn to process feelings in a healthy way
Please contact me to see how I can help improve your or your teams Emotional Intelligence!
I make every effort to ensure that advice on this website is accurate and up to date. As the advice is general in nature rather than specific to individuals I cannot accept any liability for actions arising from its use nor can I be held responsible for the content of any pages referenced by an external link.
Photo by averie woodard on Unsplash