10 Xmas 2020 Coping Tips!

The Christmas period can be a stressful  time of year, especially in COVID times! (Living Through COVID ) ?  This year we may try to make a choice to either create new memories & traditions or attempt to remain true to our old ways of celebrating.  (Anxiety Workbook ). There has been less time to rush & shop this year….this may make us pace ourselves or may increase the shopping activity, compressing it into less days! ( The Anxiety Compass  ). Present buying, wrapping, food planning, preparation, decorations, family disputes…at least school activities will not be on the diary for Xmas 2020. (Anxiety Stops Us Enjoying Life..)

Xmas Parties!

This year the office part will be a non event. This can be a blessing for some I am sure! but for others it will underline the fact that 2020 has been a social desert. The sparkly clothes will go unworn.

The Big Day!

The Government have said that 3 households can mix for a limited time this Xmas. This will create it’s own issues….heightened expectations can lead to disappointment…How to keep keep vulnerable family members safe as COVID is a non-believer in Santa, will be one of the issues!

This years some families will be reunited but not all reunions are as we dream they will be.  Attachment Theory for Parents & the Art of Letting Go!,)  Many will share this Christmas season with loss, either because of COVID or other illnesses. Grief can be highlighted at this time of year perhaps more than other times but this year it will be concentrated for many families.(Grief: A complex Human Response to Loss).

How do we adapt & make Xmas 2020 one to remember for good reason not bad.

10 Tips to survive Xmas 2020!

  1. Have realistic expectations
  2. Do a relationship check now! Love & Misunderstandings at Christmas!
  3. Don’t be a martyr to the Xmas period. Delegate tasks, share roles, enlist help with shopping, wrapping, and cooking. You do not have to do it all alone.
  4. This year for many, the budget must be realistic, & keep to it!
  5. Decide how to enjoy the Xmas safely & still make it special. New traditions?
  6. Ensure students retiring home have a COVID test
  7. Get exercise to keep well before & during the main season
  8. Take Vitamin D
  9. Wear masks, keep social distance, wash hands, it is snot over yet but hope is definitely here with the vaccines!
  10. If COVID has taught us anything it could be to appreciate the small things, which are often free.

Endeavour to come out of it happy and calm, not full of resentment and stress. If you need to talk through strategies, that can help you to cope better then previous years, or to reflect once the big day has passed, then contact me: 

Laura Morrissey Counselling & Coaching




1.Photo by Element5 Digital on Unsplash

2. Photo by Michael Discenza on Unsplash

3. Photo by Element5 Digital on Unsplash

4. Photo by Zohre Nemati on Unsplash