January 27, 2021
What is Lifespan Integration Therapy?
Finding Lifespan Integration Therapy I was trained as an Integrative therapist , this blog may give more information about what this actually is, What is Integrative Counselling? In a nutshell it means that my training has given me permission and a framework within which I am encouraged to learn about all different types of therapeutic […]

January 26, 2021
What is Integrative Counselling?
Integrative Counselling is?… That is a very good question! I decided to retrain as a therapist some years ago. I looked at all of the different courses available and opted for a Diploma in Integrative Therapeutic Counselling at a local college. I love a bit of research but looking back, I did not research […]
October 06, 2019
What is Trauma?
What is Trauma? Trauma is spoken about a lot nowadays. People profess to be trauma informed, traumatised, suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder ( PTSD), but little is understood about what it all means. Bessel Van Der Kolk (1) says that trauma changes the brain, meaning that the world never looks the same again. Trauma (Trauma..Shockwaves […]
July 02, 2019
Grief: A complex Human Response to Loss
Grief & Loss are Part of being Alive.. Grief happens. As humans we experience loss if we live. It can not be avoided or hidden from, it is just a part of life. A part of life that most would prefer not to experience but experiencing it on some level is inevitable. Grief is […]